
Le loup and orange notes...

T-shirt dress-Slub Crew: Wilt
Knitted leggings: Andrea Moore
Shoes: Swedish Hasbeens

It was such a beautiful day yesterday, cold with clear crispy air, starching blue skies and with a blooming orange hedge I just had to take some photos wearing my orange/copper-bird and favorite shirt of mine. I am as we speak busy clearing out my wardrobe and have made two gigantic piles so far, one : Toss and the other: Keep, well then it's those (I haven't worn you in a year but I like looking at you garments), admittedly they are still on their hangers. It's a bit tricky not knowing if I'd ever go back to my former self pre-pregnancy and hope that clothes marked S and S/M will be worn again. Can't help clinging on to my Swedish Hasbeens in a sort of tanned leather, they are so 'uncomfortable' but goes so well with a lot of my folklore pieces. Hm..another week of tripping over and then admire them in the hallway then...

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