
rainbow trout..

Pamela Love New Collection S/S 2011

It's been a pretty, lovely and weather wild 2 days 'living, as we where actually living there'( in Wellington that is..).We have been busy baby sitting a little cat and fishing/shopping at the same day. However strange that is, it's possible, mixing them and actually have time for them both. I got my little spree at Cuba Street amongst over stocked vintage shops and odd and wonderful little flower wall papered stores while my husband tied fishing hooks and prepping bate as the light changed. I actually love doing both, equally and just as much. It's as if I'm a little bit 'country girl', barefoot, jumping between rocks looking for anything worth while using as bate and then it's my opposite: that leather stricken slightly made up yet randomly sea-salty hair in the mornings and of course be-jewelled from Pamela Love and Johnny Ramli..it's all fairly bliss and well summon up to a rainbow trout weekend, just like the trout runs upstream casting colorful shadows in the water, the days in windy Wellington all felt like that, fresh of sea breeze, sparkly and colorful and terribly brief, like a quick moment, a hug by the dock, gold in the horizon and then the sun suddenly sets..

Love V..


  1. thanks for your sweet comment!
    come visit again throughout this week to see an in-depth look at Nashville Fashion Week!


  2. Hi there, thanks for your comment! The camera I use is a Canon PowerShot SX100 IS, and I am indeed very happy with it! I don't use bloglovin for anything (though I occasionally browse their featured posts), so I'd follow you through google friend connect if that's okay :)

  3. what a nice collection of photos. thanks for sharing
    hope you're having a good monday

  4. thanks for the comment on my blog ! your blog is great also . keep it up !


  5. Thanks for the comment sweetie, I'd love to follow each other! I'm following you now

